Thursday, November 16, 2017

Ranking the best diet pills for women of 2017

Many women take diet pills to help increase their weight loss or maintain the losses they’ve already achieved.

Women looking to lose weight have the additional challenge of a hormonal profile that’s tilted towards keeping more fat mass on their body.

There are a lot of different diet pills for women, and they don’t all have the same efficacy–some are a lot more likely to work for you than others.

We’ve looked at the best and most effective diet pills for women and ranked them.

1. BeLive Fusion Burn

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Fusion Burn is the day-time diet pill from BeLive that provides a range of stimulants and weight loss ingredients that distinguish it from the competitions.

With cutting edge ingredients like apple cider vinegar, conjugated linoleic acid, and BioPerine for optimal absorption of the active ingredients in the capsule, Fusion Burn is one of the best diet pills out there.

Its caffeine content, at 100 mg per pill, is hardly any more than a standard cup of coffee, so it’s a great choice if you are a little caffeine sensitive but still want the synergistic effects of caffeine and green tea extract, one of the other key ingredients in Fusion Burn

2. Evlution Trans4orm

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Evlution has top-quality weight loss supplements, and Trans4orm is no exception.

This formulation is particularly suited for women because it blends weight loss herbal extracts like huperzine A and green tea extract with B vitamins and amino acids to make sure your body isn’t lacking in any metabolism-boosting nutrients.

The caffeine content (175 mg per serving) should synergistically interact with its green tea content, creating higher levels of fat burning.

3. Skinny Gal

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Skinny gal has a lot of the most popular and well-known herbal extracts that promote weight loss: african mango, garcinia cambogia, raspberry ketone, white kidney bean extract, and green coffee bean extract, to name just a few.

There aren’t so many ingredients that it seems purposeless, but it would be nice if the ingredients list was more clear about the amounts of each supplement included in the mixture.

As it stands, most of them are hidden behind a proprietary blend.

4. Atrafen

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Nutratech’s Atrefen is an incredibly popular diet pill that relies on a relatively small number of targeted ingredients to boost weight loss.

They aren’t necessarily the most popular supplements on their own, but Aftrafen seems to have hit on a winning combination–the ingredients work better together than on their own.

The only downside is that the caffeine content is hard to estimate, so if you are sensitive to caffeine’s adverse effects, be cautious with the dosage of this diet pill.

5. Sheer Strength Appetite Suppressant for Women

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Sheer Strength uses a pretty simple design for this supplement; there’s only a couple of primary ingredients, and they are all focused on controlling your hunger pangs.

Hoodia Gordonii, Caralluma Fimbriata, and Rhodiola Rosea aren’t top-tier weight loss supplements, but that’s because they are specifically for suppressing appetite, not burning fat. If you want a targeted supplement to do exactly that, then Sheer Strength’s diet pill is a good choice.

6. NutriSuppz Garcinia Cambogia for Her

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NutriSuppz offers a pretty straightforward diet pill for women. The only two active ingredients are garcinia cambogia and chromium, and while these ingredients aren’t the most-proven of the weight loss supplements out there, they do have their supporters.

If you have been specifically looking for these two supplements to add to your regimen, it’s a good choice. Otherwise, there are better options.

7. Skinny Fiber

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Skinny Fiber is another targeted-purpose diet pill for women. As the name suggests, it focuses on several different kinds of fiber to help suppress your feelings of hunger.

The supplement also comes with several enzymes to prevent some of the gastrointestinal effects of high fiber consumption, so this can be helpful if you are having gas or bloating in response to changing to a healthier diet.

Outside of the moderate fiber content, though, Skinny Fiber isn’t going to do a lot for your weight loss.

8. Xtreme Slim

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Xtreme Slim, by Prime Labs, seems to have its unique angle be its calcium content. The weight loss ingredients aren’t particularly compelling, and it’s missing a lot of the herbal extracts you’d like to see in a diet pill.

The mild benefit of a calcium supplement plus a few weight loss ingredients isn’t enough to move this any higher on the rankings.

9. Shred Her

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Sher Her combines a few B vitamins with a “fat incinerating mix” that includes a lot of fat burning stimulants.

Some of them are great, like green tea extract and green coffee bean extract, but it could do without the bitter orange extract–the best supplements on the market aren’t using that ingredient anymore because of safety concerns.

In addition, the proprietary mix hides the actual amount of most of the ingredients, so you don’t know what dosage you are getting.

Because women tend to be smaller to begin with, and are thus susceptible to lower doses of supplements, this problem is especially bad for them.

10. HERdiet Pink Pill

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HERdiet’s Pink Pill is a stimulant-focused diet pill built around synthetic compounds that are designed to jack up your metabolism and boost your body’s energy expenditure.

Unlike other supplements that rely on natural compounds, the Pink Pill is almost all synthetic chemicals, and more problematically, it does not specify exactly how much of each ingredient it lists.

Given that some of its ingredients, like synephrine, have safety concerns at higher doses, this is a real problem that prevents it from being ranked higher, despite rave reviews.

Diet pills for women benefits and side effects

Losing weight is hard for many women–to make it easier, a diet pill can help. Diet pills specifically designed for women tend to try to help them with some of the things about being a woman that make it more difficult to lose weight.

Namely, because of their lower muscle mass content, they don’t’ burn as much fat while they are at rest, and because of their low testosterone levels, they have a harder time adding muscle and exercising at a high intensity, which compounds the first problem.

Solving this might involve supplements that manipulate your body’s metabolic activity, or that curtail your appetite and help you eat less food.

Other supplements might increase your body’s preference for burning fat as a fuel. All of these have beneficial effects on your weight loss goals.


One of the most popular ingredients in diet pills for women is garcinia cambogia. This herbal extract has shown promise in some large, randomized clinical trials of weight loss supplements.

According to a meta-analysis published in the Journal of Obesity, garcinia cambogia has a statistically significant effect on short-term weight loss, though the magnitude of this effect is fairly small (1).

This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone, since the goal of a weight loss supplement isn’t to be a miracle cure–it’s to help and assist your overall weight loss program.

The mechanism by which garcinia cambogia actually functions to help you lose weight isn’t clear. Some researchers think that it increases the activity level of the mitochondria in your cells, the “power plants” that burn fat for energy.

Others, however, think that it affects levels of certain chemicals in your brain which regulate your appetite. It’s clear that there’s more research needed on garcinia cambogia.

If nutritionists discover how garcinia cambogia works, it might be able to be combined more effectively with other weight loss supplements to increase the amount of weight it can help you lose.

Surprisingly, some of the strongest evidence for weight loss efficacy points to the humble caffeine molecule as a particularly effective supplement.

According to a review study by researchers at City University of New York, Brooklyn found that consuming caffeine helps people who have lost weight maintain their overall health (2).

Risk factors for type two diabetes are markedly lower in people who have lost weight and consume caffeine on a regular basis, the researchers found.

Additionally, researchers at Maastricht University in the Netherlands mention caffeine alongside other supplements that show promise as thermogenic supplements (3)–meaning that they tell the body to “turn up the heat” by increasing fat oxidation.

Another promising thermogenic supplement that you can find in diet pills for women is green tea extract. Long known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, green tea has increasingly become known as one of the most effective supplements to burn fat.

Research out of the University of Geneva published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition demonstrated that a single dose of green tea extract increases fat oxidation and total energy expenditure over a 24 hour period when compared to a placebo (4).

This effect is not explained solely by its caffeine content; the active ingredients in green tea seem to work synergistically with caffeine to burn fat and increase the number of calories you expend, even when you are at rest.

Green coffee bean extract might be considered a “cousin” of green tea extract, and while the research on it is not as robust as that on green tea, the results are promising.

According to a meta-analysis of five different studies that examined green coffee bean extract’s effect on weight loss, green coffee bean extract can produce substantial weight loss in a short amount of time (5).

While the authors of the review noted that the research conducted so far has some methodological problems, they nevertheless concluded that the evidence for green coffee bean is very encouraging.

It’s not known to what extent green coffee bean extract interacts with caffeine, given that caffeine is also a natural component of coffee beans.

Side Effects

The negative effects of diet pills are mostly centered around compounds that try to artificially boost your body’s resting metabolism.

These pills are a crude version of “exercise in a pill”–by increasing your metabolic rate, they increase your energy expenditure. However, this is a pretty blunt tool, and while it does get the job done, it can have adverse side effects.

The most important ingredient to be aware of is bitter orange extract, or its active ingredient, synephrine. After serious health problems started plaguing people who took diet pills containing ephedra, manufacturers switched out their formulas to use synephrine instead, as it was thought to be safer.

Still, however, there are concerns that it can have deleterious effects on your health.

A scientific article in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology looked into the potential effects of synephrine (6).

The researchers found a number of case reports that indicated synephrine can cause abnormal heart beat patterns, and though they covered a number of potential mechanisms, there is no smoking gun just yet. Because of this, synephrine is probably an ingredient to avoid for most people.

Garcinia cambogia does also seem to cause gastrointestinal side effects at a higher level than a placebo (7). Again, because the mechanism of action is not clear with this supplement, it’s not clear why it would cause this side effect either.

It may just be because it is difficult for some people to digest, but regardless, those with a sensitive stomach might want to try a different diet pill.

Recommended Dosage

The effective dose of the active ingredients in a diet pill depend on the supplement in question. Typically, a diet pill has enough ingredients that you can’t really do much about the dosage of each one individually.

The best approach is to use a top-ranked supplement that is carefully designed to have optimal doses of all the important ingredients, and avoid supplements that hide the exact amounts of their ingredients by using them in a “proprietary blend.”


For a woman trying to lose weight, a diet pill can help in a number of ways.

Some ingredients, like green coffee bean extract or green tea extract, appear to increase your body’s preference for burning fat while at rest, and increase your overall energy expenditure.Others, like garcinia cambogia, may decrease your appetite and thus lead to you consuming fewer calories throughout the day.

Whichever route you choose, using a high-quality diet pill may be able to assist you in reaching your weight loss goals.

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