Monday, July 18, 2016

The benefits and side effects of anatabine

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Anatabine (branded Anatabloc) is a minor alkaloid found in plants of the Solanaceae family which includes tomatoes, eggplants chili peppers and tobacco (1). Anatabine is known to be anti-inflammatory in nature and can be useful in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.

Moreover, when the immune system mistakenly attacks the healthy tissue and result in several autoimmune diseases, anatabine can be used to reduce the immune system’s process to protect the healthy tissue.

Anatabine is known as Anatabloc in its supplement from that is commercially available. Here is a comprehensive list of all that you need to know about anatabine.

STAT3 is s a protein that is responsible for hindering the process of a protein that does the DNA transcription in our bodies. Anatabine works by inhibiting this protein and thus protecting the body from autoimmune diseases that would occur if it is not regulated (2).

For its use as an anti-inflammatory, it enters the bloodstream and deactivates the protein NFkB in the cells of the body (3), this means that NFkB cannot enter the nucleus of the cell and cause inflammation.

Since anatabine stays in the body longer, it works for a longer time to prevent and fight inflammation and autoimmune diseases.


The research for anatabine has been conducted on animals but not humans, as yet. So a recommended dosage cannot be safely suggested due to the lack of evidence of the after effects on human beings on the intake of this alkaloid.

Nevertheless, the research that has been conducted on animals, for the intent of fighting autoimmune diseases, has shown that an oral dose of 12.5 to 20 mg per kilogram of the bodyweight of a mouse was shown to have positive effects. Translating this dose for human bodyweight, we get a dose of:

  • 70 to 110 mg for a 150lb person
  • 90 to 150 mg for a 200lb person
  • 110 to 180 mg for a 250lb person

The product, Anatabloc, that is easily available in the market, comes in the form of tablets and includes anatabine, Vitamin A and Vitamin D3. The product is recommended to be taken according to the bodyweight. The maximum limit for the number of tablets that can be taken in a day is twelve. It can be taken up to six times on a daily basis to treat cellular inflammation, reduce body aches and decrease the symptoms of pain that are related to Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis, Crohn’s disease and chronic inflammation.

Benefits of anatabine

Preliminary results of clinical research has shown great potential of this minor alkaloid to treat many diseases such as Crohn’s disease, autoimmune diseases, Alzheimer’s disease and chronic inflammation. Let’s have a look at the research-backed benefits individually.

The compound of anatabine resembles that of nicotine. This is why it has been used in some anti-smoking supplements. As we have mentioned before, anatabine stays in the body longer, this property is the reason why it has been the topic of various researches to help people quit smoking. A research has shown that smoking is negatively connected with the presence of thyroid antibodies, specifically TgAbs (3). Anatabine has been shown to effectively reduce the levels of TgAbs (4).

Alzheimer’s disease is a form of dementia, which is progressive in nature and worsens over time. It causes problems with thinking and memory and in severe cases, in behavior (5). NFkB regulates the protein that is responsible for the regulation of BACE-1, which limits the production of abeta deposits. Research shows that abeta deposits, in both soluble and insoluble forms, are the ones responsible for initiating the cascade that leads to Alzheimer’s disease (6). Anatabine has shown to suppress the NFkB (3), which suppresses the BACE-1, which ends up inhibiting the abeta deposits. This is huge news for the Alzheimer’s related research, and further clinical studies of this alkaloid can help in creating safe methods to treat Alzheimer’s with anatabine. If proper studies conducted on humans show a path to this disease’s treatment, it will truly be a breakthrough in the field of medicine.

Anatabine has the property to fight autoimmune diseases by banning the STAT3 protein. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, also known as Hashimoto’s disease, is one of the autoimmune diseases in which the immune system attacks the thyroid. This, in turn, can lead to the thyroid unable to produce enough hormones to supplement the body’s needs. In a human study, the nutritional supplement of anatabine has shown to confirm positive results in the treatment of Hashimoto’s disease (4).

Side effects of anatabine

Although anatabine is proven on many accounts to be safe, many studies on human groups have shown some side effects of the alkaloid. Some of these include:

  • Insomnia
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Tingling of the skin
  • Nausea

Although there are some side effects of this compound, it is proven that it has huge affects in fighting inflammation of the body and has continued to provide positive results in almost all the research that has been conducted.

There are some negative reviews of the product Anatabloc, which includes the major ingredient anatabine. Reviewers have mentioned that using this supplement resulted in them not being able to have a good night’s sleep. Others have mentioned that the use of this product led them to have a bad case of hiccups.

It is necessary to note that the use of this supplement should be first recommended by a doctor so that you can easily benefit from the product without any side effects.

Summary: Preliminary studies have shown great promise in the use of anatabine in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, inflammation and auto immune diseases, but there is still much research yet to be done to find out the true potential of this alkaloid which seems to be a great way to cure the aforementioned diseases. We hope that the clinical research of this product will garner more information and practical uses so that many people can benefit from it.

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